Thursday, October 1, 2009


Call me crazy but I flew home midweek to take photos of an old high school friend's newborn baby. Last week I asked Mark, "Should I fly home to do this shoot? I really want to know what it's like working with a seven-day old baby!" Mark is the planning type. He's the meticulous, my-entire-life-is-on-Outlook-WITH-reminders type of guy. So of course when his wife comes up with yet another brilliant and spontaneous idea that includes leaving town and doing a photo shoot for free he is not so thrilled. Then being the smart flower I am, I tell him if I had my own baby I wouldn't have to go looking for newborns to practice with. He reluctantly changes his mind, and I book my ticket with a huge smile on my face.

I'm SO glad I came home. Catching up with my girlfriend and photographing her beautiful son Leo was worth it. Here's a sneak preview of our shoot with Leo in his giraffe costume. Isn't he the cutest little animal?!

** My camera is currently in the shop for repair. All photo shoots to continue as soon as my baby comes back!



  1. If I had my own baby...


    Nick says "you're a sassy Sithi!"

    He's weird.

    Leo is adorable! :]

  2. wow! I'm glad that "if I had my own baby" worked on Mark! lol! So with that to say, when am I going to be an aunt?
