As we drive into the valleys of Half Moon Bay my cousin asks her two year old daughter, "Can you see all the pumpkins, Corie?" Corie's neck stretches as high as she possibly can and is barely able to see the stretch or bright orange pumpkins outside the car window. We soon pull into our first pumpkin patch, and we are all very excited to be here. Corie picks up on this energy and starts kicking her feet and covering her face with her tiny two hands whispering with excitement, "
Punkins! Punkins! Punkins!" She's so overwhelmed with emotion that she doesn't know whether to grab her face, her ears, or the hat Uncle Mark puts on her head, so she tries to grab all of them at the same time. What a silly girl. :-)
Halloween is my cousin Ly's favorite "holiday." It's obvious this gene was passed on to her daughter Corie. How can you blame them? Halloween means carving pumpkins, it means lots and lots of candy, it means the beginning of Autumn (personally my favorite season), and best of all it means fun, colorful costumes! This year Corie is dressing up as a very ornate peacock, and she is so stoked! In fact, she gets so excited about her costume her parents have to hide it from her or else she'll want to put it on every time she sees it. Being the awesome parents they are, Ly and Lyle let Corie debut her peacock costume a little early this year at
Farmer John's pumpkin patch. Not to brag or anything, but my niece is the cutest peacock in the entire universe. Seriously.
Here are some snapshots I got of our pumpkin patch adventure. Thanks, Ly and Lyle, for inviting us! Mark and I always have a blast hanging out with Townsends!
This is what Corie looked like when we arrived at the first pumpkin patch.

More excitement as she sees all her options.

Corie couldn't resist the bounce house; but once inside she was too scared to stand and fall, so she just army-crawled her way through, every so often waving at us to let us know she's okay.

Daddy's little girl

What a beautiful family... I request a Corie #2, please! =P

Corie and Uncle Mark - my, what a height difference.

And saving the best for last, Corie's peacock costume!
*on a post processing note, these came out a little over saturated but I decided to post them anyway because she's too darn cute not to