Thursday, August 20, 2009

#1 of the the 12 hot spots

I have the best husband. Okay, maybe you do, too, but really, I think mine's pretty spectacular. I can tell you all the reasons why, but since I don't want anyone to hurl while reading my post today I'll refrain. So here's one SMALL reason why: the other day Mark was having coffee with his college buddy and on his way out he noticed at the door a San Francisco magazine featuring "12 Top Spots to Snap a Photo." He picked up a copy and dropped it off at my desk when he came back. I asked, "What's this?"

He says, "Since you're getting into photography I think the feature article could have some really cool places for us to explore and get some great pictures for your portfolio." Then he shrugs his shoulders. He does this a lot. I don't know why he does it, but he does. It's like approaching a really shy little boy and asking his name, and all you get are shrugged shoulders. Mark does that, only he's a grown man and not shy. Anyway, I digress.

I know that wasn't some over-the-top act of kindness, but to me it's the little things he does that shows he thinks of me during the day and supports my ambitions no matter how many I have. :-D Since there are 12 amazing SF spots featured in the article I decided I'd tackle a few on my own, and then save some for my good friend Hanh who's an aspiring photographer from Orange County. She's visiting in a few weeks!

#1 on the list - Chinatown and a taste of the SF lifestyle


Dragon Gate old film style


New nephew's name:



Bronze monkeys are all over the city


From Chinatown I walked down to Union Square - the traffic makes me happy I'm walking


The next best thing to walking is biking in SF




  1. I must say my favorite picture from this post has to be the busy street of SF. You could really sense the hustle and bustle of the city life. And I love that you took the picture at a slight angle/tilt.

  2. I love these pictures! It makes me miss SF. You're doing so great! <3
