Thursday, September 3, 2009

Casting call for newborn babies

I'm obsessed with babies. I really am. I'm not obsessed in that way where I WANT one because right now, um, I'm so not there. I'm having way too much fun being married and being belly-less. So I'm making a shameless casting call to all mothers who want free photographs of their newborns. I know I don't have many followers on this blog, yet, and my loyal followers either cannot biologically procreate or have no desire whatsoever to have one. SO, if you're out there, and you stumble upon Connie Sithi's blog and you want to be oh-so-kind to volunteer your baby for photos HOLLERRRR! I'm so excited to start with the babies and work on up to the toddlers and kiddies. Do not be fooled by my enthusiasm - I promise I'm gentle with babies. :-)

And because I like to end my posts with a photo, here's my super duper adorable nephew Brandon (taken with my handy point and shoot)


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