The first time I met Jaime was a little over two years ago when she interviewed me for my current job. I had come from a couple jobs where I had been micromanaged and worked to the bone, so I had the impression all managers would be like this. When I walked into the interview, Jaime welcomed me with the most friendliest smile I'd ever seen. The entire process was so smooth and relaxing (I know, for an interview?!), and from that moment I knew if I was hired I'd be in good hands. Needless to say, I was hired and have definitely been in good hands. :-)
Jaime has impeccable taste when it comes to clothes, dinnerware, special events, you name it! So I was extremely flattered when she asked me to do her holiday family photo session. Her son Brandon is two years old, and through the years I've observed him as shy little Brandon who clung to his mommy when he'd visit her at work. Well, I was in for a surprise when I met them on Crissy Field that freezing afternoon a few Saturdays ago. Brandon came ready to PLAY and even more ready to chat it up. He didn't miss a cheerful "HI!" to anyone that passed him, and he told me stories in full sentences not missing a single detail. At two-years old, this is pretty genius! He played and raced with his mom and dad, laughed at his own goofiness, climbed hills and rolled in the grass. Brandon and his parents are the epitome of what families dream to have - a happy and loving relationship filled with laughter and hugs, a place where if you fall someone is there to pick you up. I'm happy to announce there's going to be one new little addition to this beautiful family in May - a baby GIRL! Yep, one boy and one girl; now all they need is a Golden Retriever named Bruno and they're set! Just kidding, Jaime - I'm obviously biased towards dogs. :-)
Jaime and Jon, congratulations on your growing family. With what I've observed, you guys are going to be the best parents to your little genius kids. I wouldn't be surprised if the next time I saw Brandon he's reading novels!

Definitely inherited his mom's friendly smile!

It was tough getting Brandon to look at the camera, but it wasn't hard to get him to goof off and be silly!

Mama's little boy.

Um, can you say HEARTBREAKER?!

Here they're looking for the "epicoptor" aka helicopter.

As the shoot came to an end, Brandon finally decided to do a model pose for us - all on his own! He's a natural. :-)